Here are a couple good presentations on web 2.0 and Facebook topics from Jeremiah and Beth Kanter

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While on a cross country flight last week from Boston to Oakland, I decided to get some editing done.. After blowing through three Mac laptop batteries I was able to get through two full days of initial editing with photo mechanic.. I also picked out some that I liked.. Here's the result in Slideshare, take a look and let me know what you think.. Just another avenue of showing images for us..

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Cute Video by The Richter Scales

Great parody of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" about the Web 2.0 Bubble

2007 Assignments Come to an End

Whoa!!! What a semester!! We finished up our fall semester assignment schedule today at Holy Names University in Oakland, CA... I'm writing this while waiting for a Jet Blue redeye to Boston..

Here are a couple from today's shoot.. The two images are obviously of the same student. Holy Names has a very small student body, and I think we took pictures of every student at one time or another over the last two days..

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Can Anyone Guess Where This Was Taken

Take your pick, this one could have been taken at anyone of these three schools: (Northwestern, North Central College, Cornell)... If you've been following the blog, you definitely know where it was shot... This is a common site on all campuses we go to... Next time you leave the office to grab a Starbucks or Caribou (Kansas State) across campus, count how many other school shirts or hats you see as well as how many of your own school.. You'll be surprised.. Would love to know what you all come up with...

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Johnny The Bagger

I don't make it a habit of posting movies or many other links, but after seeing The Simple Truths of Service, Inspired by Johnny the Bagger, I couldn't resist.. I've read a bunch of Blanchard's books in the past, I have no Idea, how this one slipped past me.. I will be making a trip to Barnes and Noble and/or Borders to pick this up tonight..

Enjoy, I've watched it several times and can't help but choking up each time.. Great spot for the season.

University of Tampa - Day One

After a break from traveling last week, it is back to the grind it has been for the last three and a half months. At least this week is in the gorgeous Florida sun at the University of Tampa. We'll shoot all day here again today and back home tonight to our never ending pile of hard drives waiting to be processed.

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Happy Thanksgiving

As the clock touches five on the East Coast, it is time to shut down the computer for at least the next 36 hours to celebrate Thanksgiving.

This is the last file I processed today.. Thought it was kinda neat. This was taken a few weeks back from a Chemistry lab at Imperial College in the UK..

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving..

Kansas State School Spirit

Just a quick little project from last week.. There is nothing like seeing all kinds of school spirit on campus.  Kansas State seems to have a ton of it.  These are straight out of the camera and not edited.. Funny as I was making this, saw a couple articles come across the RSS feed relating to style on campus..

This is an interesting one from the Washington Post and another from the NY Times talking about fashions unique to certain schools.. 

I would love to hear what everyone has to say in response to the two articles listed... We are on the frontlines at several dozen schools each year, and I have yet to see these unique styles and fashions unique to a particular school.. I continue to say "KIDS ARE KIDS ARE KIDS wherever they go"

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Day Four in Big Twelve Country

What a week!!!! Two GREAT schools, with GREAT Kids and awesome school spirit.. We saw more ORANGE (Oklahoma State) and PURPLE (Kansas State) in four days than we've seen in our life... It's amazing what big time athletics will do for school spirit... Makes for some fun pictures and definitely adds a sense of place.

We fly home in a few hours for a much needed week off of travel.. It will however, be anyhting but a vacation as we hopefully will get caught up on the processing and delivery of thousands of images..

To see our entire online portfolio goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Another Day in Big 12 Country

What a day and what a place.... We had a wonderful day at Kansas State University today.. Everything about it was wonderful, great people, great facilities..

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Stillwater, OK - Day One

Here are a few from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, OK...

Gotta love Big 12 Country, lots of school spirit... We'll spend all day in Stillwater tomorrow and then off to Manhattan, Kansas and Kansas State tomorrow night.. Another Big 12 school, should be a lot of fun.

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Here it is, just before midnight on Saturday and I am waiting for the dryer to finsh, so I can finish packing for the week.. We are off to Oklahoma State in a mere six hours for the first part of the week and then to Kansas State the latter part of the week.. All day and night Saturday was spent processing files and my eyes are killing me.. I was messing around with some files in between DVD burning and processing, and realized how FAST this Fall semester has gone.... It felt like just yesterday we were at Suffolk University (the first time), and in fact that was August 20th, the start of this grueling stretch of Fall Shooting.. It has been non-stop, starting on the extreme East Coast, then the Extreme West Coast, a bunch in the Midwest, then the Southeast, then the Southwest, then across the pond and back, this week to the plains (I think that's what OK, and KS would be considered anyway), any natives out there please correct me if i'm wrong.

Anyway enough of that, as I was saying before I got off task, I was looking at some files that were posted on the Blog and Flickr from August 20th to this past Thursday, and decided to put a page together from those images in no particular order..

Please have a look at them HERE and let us know what you think. Most nights, we would try and go through and pick out a bunch, but there are several days that we were just plain beat, or didn't have time because we were too busy trying to catch a plane or hopping in a car and driving 400 miles to our next shoot the following day.


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Here are some from our shoot at the lovely College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA yesterday.. Once again a great feeling: working all day and getting home in time to watch TV on my own couch (like normal people).. Processing the next couple of days and then off to Stillwater OK and Oklahoma State University..

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On Location and at Home the Same Day

After being on the road for the majority of the last eleven weeks, this week has been kind of odd.. Yesterday we spent the day at Suffolk University in Boston, the best thing about it was that I was on my couch watching TV by 8:00 pm, that was pretty cool.. We have to enjoy it while it lasts, because it starts all over again on Sunday as we head to Oklahoma and Kansas for a week.. Tomorrow we will be at Holy Cross in Worcester and then a few days in the office to pick away at the small mountain of hard drives waiting to be processed.

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Three Days in London (Summary)

We have just finished up three great days at London's Imperial College.. People had warned me that students and studies in the UK were much different than the states and it was going to be extremely challenging to get the "slice of life" we are used to in the states. I said it will be fine "KIDS ARE KIDS ARE KIDS NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE", and for the most part that is exactly what we found.

There were a few differences we did see however:

1. Visible School Spirit is absolutely "Non Existent".. In the three days of shooting, we counted a total of 13 "Imperial College sweathsirts or other logo apparrel", very different than that of the states.

2. Kids actually walk and talk with one another on the way to class.. We saw very few students walking single file with their cell phones stuck to their ear.

3. Drinking age of 18 and no hiding of alcoholic beverages, several pubs on campus that were crawling with students at dinner time..

We had a wonderful time and thank you so much to our client for treating us to a wonderful week.

We will be flying home tomorrow and staring into a computer until our next assignment on Monday trying to get some of our work processed and delivered in a somewhat timely fashion..

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UK Mishap, No Photos Today

Well, Tuesday was once again a wonderful day at Imperial College in London, at least until about midnight when I dropped my MacBook Pro. Ouch, ruined the LCD screen. So no photos today, sorry. At least it works enough that I can download files. A bandaid until we get back to the states and an Apple store. Have internet on IPhone at a ridiculour International Roaming Rate..

Imperial College of London - Day One

A glorious day in London Today, Blue Skies and Sunny all day.. Here are a few from Imperial College Today..

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Another Month Almost Done!

Well what a couple of months it has been.. As October comes to an end, we find ourselves in London watching the Red Sox and Rockies in the World Series.. Keep in mind that it's 2:15 am local time in London and we're not even close to being tired.. Having an extremely tough time adjusting to the time change, but most importantly the PRICES in London!!! They are ridiculous, we got two Grande Black Coffees at Starbucks in South Kensington this morning for $11.00 USD.. If that wasn't bad enough, how about the $20.00 hamburger at a PUB near Trafalgar Square..

Well as October closes, what a month it has been.. 12 Different Schools in EIGHT states and TWO continents.. Of 22 business days in October, we were shooting 19 of them, with only three Fridays off..

We are going to be shooting at Imperial College, here in London the next three days.. We'll fly home on Thursday afternoon and have the weekend off. Most of next week we will actually be working in New England and sleeping in our own beds until we leave for Oklahoma State and Kansas State on the 11th of November (another full week of travel). Fortunately after that is Thanksgiving and a great opportunity to dig out from this month's mountain of data.. Then off to Florida the week after Thanksgiving, and maybe a breather for December, but as I write there are several assignments pending for the first couple weeks of December..


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Texas State University - Day Two

Just returned home from a week on the road that started on Monday at Northwestern University and finished this afternoon in San Marcos, TX at Texas State University..

We will have a short time at home before we fly out to London on Staurday Night for a week of shooting across the pond..

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Texas State University, Day One

What a day in San Marcos, Texas, Mid 70's, no humidity, not a cloud in the sky, nice breeze.. What a difference from a week ago in Beaumont, Texas. Great weather for walking up the steps to the library at Texas State University. We are here at Texas State again all day today, and home tonight. We arrive about midnight into Hartford. We will spend all day Friday in front of the computer trying to dig out from under a pile of images before we leave Saturday for London..

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Chicago to Austin

After spending two days at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, it was time to switch gears and head over to O'Hare and catch a 9:45 flight to Austin.. The next two days we will be at CHILLY Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. I can't believe how cool it is here, woke up this morning it was about 40 degrees, same as yesterday in Chicago, go figure..

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Another Full Week on The Road

What a start to another long week on the road... Stayed up way too late Sunday night watching the Red Sox crush the Indians en route to another World Series Appearance.. I rolled out of bed at 4:00 am to get to the airport for a 6:30 flight to Chicago with an 8:00 am arrival at Midway Airport, and by 9:00 am central time we were on location at Northwestern University capturing campus life images.. What a difference in climate from the stifling humidity of Lousiana and SE Texas last week.. It was downright miserable in Chicago, WINDY, RAINY and just plain RAW.. We have another day at Northwestern tomorrow (tuesday) and then off to Texas State University in San Marcos, TX tomorrow night for a couple of days... This should be interesting as we are scheduled to arrive in Austin tomorrow night at about midnight, and we have checked all rental car companies, and there are abolutely NO cars available in Austin... Well we'll worry about that after our day at Northwestern..

Here are some from Northwestern on Monday..

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Going Home, For a Few Days Anyway

After spending all week in OPPRESSIVE HUMIDITY, we will be flying home to a more bearable climate.. We don't have to board another plane until early, early Monday morning.. We will work Monday and Tuesday in Evanston, IL and then off to more OPPRESSIVE weather in San Marcos, TX for the rest of the week..

This picture at Lamar University this morning sums up the weather this week in Louisiana and Southeast Texas...

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Southeast Texas, Day One

We have had an extremely productive week, unfortunately the blog posts are not that robust.. It's getting late in the fall semester shooting season and quite frankly I am way too tired to post several images..

Here's one from Lamar University earlier today..

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Another Full Week on The Road

This semester has been crazy, we are in our eighth week of travel in a row.. We are in Lafayette, LA for a two day shoot at UL-Lafayette, home of the Ragin Cajuns... We flew in this morning to Gulfport, MS and took our time driving on the gulf through New Orleans, Baton Rouge and finally Lafayette.. After Two days at ULL we will get in the car and drive a few hours Southwest to Beaumont, TX for antoher two days at Lamar University..

I've got to tell you this travel has been a grind.. We will be busy up until the end of November, with trips to Chicago, Texas, London, Boston, Oklahoma and Kansas still to come.. I have been fighting a nagging cold all weekend and have loaded up on Sudafed, hoping it will do the trick.

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UCONN, Stamford Regional Campus

No rest for the weary... After returning from Miami University in the early morning, we got a few hours of sleep and headed down I-95 to UCONN's Stamford, CT Regional campus for a day of indoor shooting..

Here's a bunch from today's shoot

Off to the Berkshires and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts on Friday, day off Saturday and off to Louisiana on Sunday..

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After spending two WONDERFUL days on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, OH, we are back in New England for a few days.. Tomorrow we are off to UCONN again and then to the Berkshires in Massachusetts for a fall foliage shoot at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts...

Why am I up this late blogging, DON'T ASK..

Anyway here are several from Day Two at Miami University


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We were at BEAUTIFUL and I mean BEAUTIFUL Miami University in Oxford OH today.. What a wonderful place, and enormous too..

Here's a LINK to a sampling of some from the day's shoot..

We will be spending Wednesday in Oxford as well, can't wait.

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Another Busy Week Conquered

Whoa!!! What a week... We finished up this marathon week at The University of Connecticut in Storrs.. UCONN was our fourth stop this week. We started the week off on Monday at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, then worked at Virginia Wesleyan College on Tuesday in Norfolk.. We then drove 406 miles to Asheville North Carolina and Warren Wilson College on Wednesday, and finally back home for a shoot at UCONN..

The focus for today's shoot was outdoor fall colors, students outside and some architecture shots at Dusk, thanks so much for the late start Sean, we really needed it..

Here are a bunch from UCONN

To see the full size gallery goto UCONN Slideshow

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Four Schools, Four Days, Three States

What a week!!!!! Talk about a grind, this week has been extremely taxing on the mind and the body, and we still have one more assignment to do.. Traveling in itself is a grueling process, but what had made this week so grueling is that we had FOUR ONE DAY shoots... Go like crazy for one day, and switch gears to a totally different school, forgetting about the previous day as they are all different..

Anyway after pulling into Asheville, NC this morning at 3:00 am, we were up bright and early and on campus at AWESOME Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC for 7:45 am... Now we are at yet another airport terminal waiting for a flight home and another day of shooting at UCONN (right around the corner, YES)...

Tis the season..

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Day One - Norfolk, VA

What a start to a great week.. Today was the first of four ONE DAY shoots this week.. We spent the day at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA..

Here's some that we like:

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Wrapping up a BUSY September

It's amazing how time just flys when you are busy I can't believe that September is all but over, what a month.. September has taken us to Oregon, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Washington D.C., Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York. We have had a great time along the way.

October is going to be even busier, starting Monday morning in Norfolk Virginia, Then to Asheville, NC and ending the week close to home at UCONN in Storrs, CT..

Yesterday was an interesting day for us.. We had an assignment at St. John's University in Queens, NY, a day after the weapons fiasco that caused a lockdown on campus.. The mood was strange, the kids were GREAT.. We were questioned several times by other staff, as to why we were there and what we were doing..

Anyway here's a sampling from yesterday:

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Day Two - Houghton, Michigan

Another assignment completed.... We have spent the last two days at MTU in remothe Houghton, MI. We are traveling most of the day Wednesday and close to home on Thursday.. We will be taking a nice two hour drive to Queens New York for a day of shooting at St. John's University.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Houghton, MI - Day One

Some admissions marketing photos taken at Michigan Tech today...

To see the full size slideshow go HERE

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admissions, admission,viewbook,viewbooks,"admissions marketing","higher ed marketing"

DM news has a nice article about some schools that are taking full advantage of Variable Data Printing.. Worth a read.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Long Day in Chicago

Here's a sampling from our shoot at Dominican University in the Chicago Suburbs of River Forest.. What a day, got to the airport at 4:30 am flew to Chicago, grabbed a cab to Dominican, Shot for 10 hours, hopped in another cab to O'Hare and caught a flight to Hartford.. In bed at 1:30 am est.. A day off of shooting today, and two one day shoots in DC and Boston on Thursday and Friday..

Here's a link to the full size slide show

Crazy Day Tuesday

Oh Boy, after a nice weekend w/o travel.. We are at it again.. It's 11:00 pm eastern, and I need to be tired. We have to be at the airport in five hours for a flight to Chicago for a one day shoot.. This is going to be a quick hit and run. We arrive in Chicago at 7:15 am, shoot all day in Chicagoland and catch a flight home at 9:00 pm.. This is going to be a Loooonnng day, hope the airlines are on time in the morning...

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Admish is now in Beta

A new social network has sprouted specifically dealing with the college admissions process.

Take a look at Admish

We believe that each student—like each college—is unique: a single school might be a great fit for one student but not so great a fit for another student. Admish acts as a hub for the college admissions process, a place where students, guidance counselors, parents, college admissions officers, and college faculty can find and share information, where both sides of the admissions process come together, where colleges find the right students and students find the right colleges.

Three words sum up Admish's mission:

Education: Admish is for students, by students. Created by a group of undergraduates who have been through the admissions process, Admish aims to better equip students so that they can find the school that's right for them. With its unique profile content and an easily searchable database of college information, Admish enables students first to find out who they are and then to find a school that is best suited to their own particular needs, interests, and values.

Community: Admish is a community of diligent students, dedicated educators, devoted parents and friends, all working together to ensure that students have the right information and the right support as they go through the admissions process. Now students and colleges can communicate with each other like never before.

Opportunity: By connecting students to a team of supporters and educators—including families, colleges, high school, and college access groups—Admish challenges students to become more than a test score, to discover their own individuality and to take hold of opportunities that are already waiting for them.

Simply put, now students have a greater opportunity to discover the school that's right for them.

Goodbye Indy

Our week in the great city of Indianapolis has come to an end. What a week, four great WEATHER days in a row, unheard of. We also had the pleasure of meeting with Brad of SquaredPeg. Brad is an up and coming talent in the higher-ed space.. He has some unbelieveable ideas and is really on the ball. when it comes to Higher-Ed Marketing.

Off to start processing about 15,000 images from the las week and a half..

Here's some from IUPUI yesterday, had a couple hours on the plane to look through them.

If you're wondering about the gumball machines, you'll have to check out postfrom our last trip to IUPUI

Gotta Love Great WI-FI hotspots

We've been staying at a great hotel on campus at IUPUI the last four nights.. One of the greatest things about it is the FREE wi-fi for guests.. It is unbelieveable, there isn't a place on campus where the signal goes below "full bars".. Makes my life much easier on location.. I refuse to get a Blackberry, an IPhone?, well that's a different story..

Anyway here is one from this morning of the IUPUI architecture.. Hope you enjoy.

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What a start to a crazy semester of travel.. In the last week and a half we have been to Oregon, Colorado and currently we are in Indianapolis, Indiana.. We will shoot all day tomorrow at IUPUI and head home for a few days and start all over again next week...

We booked our last four days of availability today.. This means we are completely booked until the third week of November, OUCH!!!

I have attached a map showing the states and countries we will be shooting in this semester...

IUPUI - Day One

Here's a quick slideshow on our viewbook site from our day today at IUPUI in downtown Indianapolis... Enjoy

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Here are a few from Marian College in Indianapolis... After spending two days at Marian, a small Catholic college, it's time to switch gears as we spend the next two days at IUPUI, a huge public university in Downtown Indianapolis.

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Here are a bunch from our first day of shooting at Marian College in Indianapolis, IN...

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Week Two - Indianapolis

Just arrived in Indianapolis for a week of shooting... We are entering our second week of shooting this fall semester..

Adding a few blogs of note to the roll:


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Day Three - Denver, CO

We'll keep it nice and short today.. Simply because just got home from Denver on the RED EYE after a long week out west... Yesterday was spent at a great little school in Denver, The Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design.. Here are a few from the take.. We will spend the weekend at home and leave for a week in Indianapolis on Sunday night..

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