To see our entire Higher Education Photography Portfolio goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

PLaid Nation Gotta Get on Board

If anyone has some time to waste and need a great laugh, head on over to PLAIDNATION.COM and follow the guys at The Plaid Agency as they spread Plaid Love all over..

Also check out Their BLOG, BrandFlakesforBreakfast #114 on the The Power 150 / Top Marketing Blogs in the World Check them out and help them move on up the rankings..

Great Insight on Recruiting

Just stumbled upon a great blog by Karlyn called Interactive Recruitng

Karlyn is at the EDU Web Conference in Baltimore both blogging and presenting..

What a breath of fresh air Karlyn is... She offers some great insight on topics such as:

-Interactive Recruiting
-Effective Email Campaigns
-Use of the "traditional" viewbook..

You should definitely look at the site, there is some great material..

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions recrutiment photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

New Website Up and Running

FJ GAYLOR Photography is pleased to announce that our new website is finally up and running..... Please take a look and let us know what you think... All comments are welcome...

After going through roughly 200,000 images, we narrowed it down to under 200 images that portray what we do on campus for colleges and universities..


Summer Fun at Fenway

Last night we went to Fenway to watch our beloved Red Sox, had a great time.. There is no place like Fenway, the place is "electric"

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto FJ GAYLOR Photography

Plaid BrandAid Tour off and Running

Just a quick note for everyone to take a look at Plaid Brand Aid 2007 tour that kicked off this morning in Danbury that will take this slick design agency from New England to Texas and all places in between over the next few weeks in a Plaid wrapped van..

You have to go and check their progress.. It is truly one of the best sites I have seen .. And if you're lucky enough to get one of their T-Shirts, I'll take a XXL...

This is a truly great idea...

I hope they don't mind that I stole the image for the blog..

I periodically check my web traffic to see how people link to our blog... Ahhh the power of Google... There are some really interesting keyword combos to say the least... By far the largest set of keyword phrases to our website have centered around "dorm photos", "real dorm shots", "dorm rooms" and other similar keyword clusters centered around the word "dorm" followed by specific school name. I found it quite interesting that there were so many hits to "this site".. It appears that kids really want to know where they are going to be living during their time at school.. What schools have done a good job at depicting "dorm life" on their site? Would love to hear from everyone..To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Campus Visits

Campus Visits, originally uploaded by FJ Gaylor Photography.

As thousands of prospective college students flock to our nation's colleges and universities the Washington Timesran a piece in yesterday's paper about the process profiling a few schools...

According to TargetX

A recent study indicated that 71% of incoming students ranked the campus visit as the most trusted source of information and yet colleges still don't put much effort into making it an authentic, personalized experience.

I have to agree with this study, but would love to get some insight from students on what they want in a college tour..

Personally I think that there should be two tours, One with just students and One with just the parents.. After they head off in separate ways, compare the two experiences to see what the outcome was..

We see a lot of these tours on a daily basis during the Fall and Spring semesters and what I have observed is that the parents ask all the questions and the students have little to say. This seems to be quite similar with Orientations and parents and students together.. The kids really don't seem to act themselves..

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto FJ GAYLOR Photography

Good afternoon everyone... Just wanted to send you a quick link to a POEM about One 17 year old's take on College Admissions Marketing

I think this sentiment is felt by a large percentage of College Bound Students..

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

NY Times College Essay Contest

The New York Times Magazine today announced that it will conduct an essay contest among college students.. Students are asked to write an essay in response to an article written by Rick Perlstein about the contrasts of College Culture today with that of the 1960's and 1970's.. Mr Perlstein's article entitled "College as America used to understand it is coming to an end."

Mr. Perlstein argues that college campuses today have lost their central role in society, and that “college as America used to understand it is coming to an end.” Unlike campus culture in the 1960s and 1970s, he maintains, college life now is a reflection of the larger society’s competitive, market-driven approach to life, rather than a refuge from it. Mr. Perlstein maintains that “going to college” doesn’t offer the distinct break from a young person’s past that it used to, with all the freedom and creativity that a fresh start implies. Instead, he says, the experience of college has become uninspiring, offering students more of what they’ve grown up with rather than startling them with new ideas and belief systems. Because they are no longer incubators for cultural innovation, he asserts, colleges and universities don’t influence the rest of society as they once did.

Why am I writing about this you ask? And how does it relate to Admissions Photography?

It obviously doesn't relate to admissions photography at all.. It does however relate to the overall marketing of Higher Education...

The thing that bothers me about the piece is that it is going to get a ton of press and people are going to use the piece as a benchmark for all kids in this generation.

Do you really think that most kids in America have enjoyed the same luxuries and experiences prior to College that most students at The University of Chicago have experienced, thus rendering college as uninspiring??

I would love to get everyone's take on this one.. -- Great Concept

I know that Zinch has been out for a bit, but had some time this morning to go over it and LOVE it... Obviously I'm not the demographic that needs to love it, but it looked pretty wild nonetheless... Extremely clean interface.. Zinch was started by Mick Hagen, a student at Princeton.. We all know what happened the last time an IVY LEAGUE student started a portal geared toward teenagers... The rest is history.. I don't know how this will take off with the current crop of college bound students or parents, or admissions officers, but they have done a superb job branding.. Is anyone in the admissions space usiing this yet?

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto FJ GAYLOR Photography

According to a Des Moines Register Post that has been picked up by most Iowa media outlets,

Several colleges and universities in Iowa are poised to add Spanish-language pages to their university Web sites and some are buying Spanish-language radio ads - clear signs that higher-education officials in Iowa are increasing their efforts to recruit Hispanic students.

According to statistics over the last twenty years, the number of Hispanic Students in Iowa public schools has risen nearly 600% to almost 30,000 students.. During this same period the number of white students decreased by 9.5%...

Iowa schools are not the only ones reaching out to this growing audience, other schools which offer Spanish speaking information on their websites are Michigan State University and Arizona State University to name a few..

Judging by the comments from the Des Moines Register post and others, this seems to be a very interesting topic...

To see our entire portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

According to a Des Moines Register Post that has been picked up by most Iowa media outlets,

Several colleges and universities in Iowa are poised to add Spanish-language pages to their university Web sites and some are buying Spanish-language radio ads - clear signs that higher-education officials in Iowa are increasing their efforts to recruit Hispanic students.

According to statistics over the last twenty years, the number of Hispanic Students in Iowa public schools has risen nearly 600% to almost 30,000 students.. During this same period the number of white students decreased by 9.5%...

Iowa schools are not the only ones reaching out to this growing audience, other schools which offer Spanish speaking information on their websites are Michigan State University and Arizona State University to name a few..

Judging by the comments from the Des Moines Register post and others, this seems to be a very interesting topic...

To see our entire portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Is this the Beginning?

After announcing the closing of Antioch a few weeks ago and a frightening article about Eatern Oregon University's enrollment struggles. Is this the beginning of a trend we are going to start seeing over the next decade and more? In my opinion there will be several LAC's going belly up in the next decade or so.. What does everyone think out there.. Are your enrollment management groups starting to address this as a real concern, or are we all still riding the enrollment boom?

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography
