Wrapping up a BUSY September

It's amazing how time just flys when you are busy I can't believe that September is all but over, what a month.. September has taken us to Oregon, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Washington D.C., Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York. We have had a great time along the way.

October is going to be even busier, starting Monday morning in Norfolk Virginia, Then to Asheville, NC and ending the week close to home at UCONN in Storrs, CT..

Yesterday was an interesting day for us.. We had an assignment at St. John's University in Queens, NY, a day after the weapons fiasco that caused a lockdown on campus.. The mood was strange, the kids were GREAT.. We were questioned several times by other staff, as to why we were there and what we were doing..

Anyway here's a sampling from yesterday:

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Day Two - Houghton, Michigan

Another assignment completed.... We have spent the last two days at MTU in remothe Houghton, MI. We are traveling most of the day Wednesday and close to home on Thursday.. We will be taking a nice two hour drive to Queens New York for a day of shooting at St. John's University.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Houghton, MI - Day One

Some admissions marketing photos taken at Michigan Tech today...

To see the full size slideshow go HERE

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

admissions, admission,viewbook,viewbooks,"admissions marketing","higher ed marketing"

DM news has a nice article about some schools that are taking full advantage of Variable Data Printing.. Worth a read.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Long Day in Chicago

Here's a sampling from our shoot at Dominican University in the Chicago Suburbs of River Forest.. What a day, got to the airport at 4:30 am flew to Chicago, grabbed a cab to Dominican, Shot for 10 hours, hopped in another cab to O'Hare and caught a flight to Hartford.. In bed at 1:30 am est.. A day off of shooting today, and two one day shoots in DC and Boston on Thursday and Friday..

Here's a link to the full size slide show

Crazy Day Tuesday

Oh Boy, after a nice weekend w/o travel.. We are at it again.. It's 11:00 pm eastern, and I need to be tired. We have to be at the airport in five hours for a flight to Chicago for a one day shoot.. This is going to be a quick hit and run. We arrive in Chicago at 7:15 am, shoot all day in Chicagoland and catch a flight home at 9:00 pm.. This is going to be a Loooonnng day, hope the airlines are on time in the morning...

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Admish is now in Beta

A new social network has sprouted specifically dealing with the college admissions process.

Take a look at Admish

We believe that each student—like each college—is unique: a single school might be a great fit for one student but not so great a fit for another student. Admish acts as a hub for the college admissions process, a place where students, guidance counselors, parents, college admissions officers, and college faculty can find and share information, where both sides of the admissions process come together, where colleges find the right students and students find the right colleges.

Three words sum up Admish's mission:

Education: Admish is for students, by students. Created by a group of undergraduates who have been through the admissions process, Admish aims to better equip students so that they can find the school that's right for them. With its unique profile content and an easily searchable database of college information, Admish enables students first to find out who they are and then to find a school that is best suited to their own particular needs, interests, and values.

Community: Admish is a community of diligent students, dedicated educators, devoted parents and friends, all working together to ensure that students have the right information and the right support as they go through the admissions process. Now students and colleges can communicate with each other like never before.

Opportunity: By connecting students to a team of supporters and educators—including families, colleges, high school, and college access groups—Admish challenges students to become more than a test score, to discover their own individuality and to take hold of opportunities that are already waiting for them.

Simply put, now students have a greater opportunity to discover the school that's right for them.

Goodbye Indy

Our week in the great city of Indianapolis has come to an end. What a week, four great WEATHER days in a row, unheard of. We also had the pleasure of meeting with Brad of SquaredPeg. Brad is an up and coming talent in the higher-ed space.. He has some unbelieveable ideas and is really on the ball. when it comes to Higher-Ed Marketing.

Off to start processing about 15,000 images from the las week and a half..

Here's some from IUPUI yesterday, had a couple hours on the plane to look through them.

If you're wondering about the gumball machines, you'll have to check out postfrom our last trip to IUPUI

Gotta Love Great WI-FI hotspots

We've been staying at a great hotel on campus at IUPUI the last four nights.. One of the greatest things about it is the FREE wi-fi for guests.. It is unbelieveable, there isn't a place on campus where the signal goes below "full bars".. Makes my life much easier on location.. I refuse to get a Blackberry, an IPhone?, well that's a different story..

Anyway here is one from this morning of the IUPUI architecture.. Hope you enjoy.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

What a start to a crazy semester of travel.. In the last week and a half we have been to Oregon, Colorado and currently we are in Indianapolis, Indiana.. We will shoot all day tomorrow at IUPUI and head home for a few days and start all over again next week...

We booked our last four days of availability today.. This means we are completely booked until the third week of November, OUCH!!!

I have attached a map showing the states and countries we will be shooting in this semester...

IUPUI - Day One

Here's a quick slideshow on our viewbook site from our day today at IUPUI in downtown Indianapolis... Enjoy

To see our entire online admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Here are a few from Marian College in Indianapolis... After spending two days at Marian, a small Catholic college, it's time to switch gears as we spend the next two days at IUPUI, a huge public university in Downtown Indianapolis.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Here are a bunch from our first day of shooting at Marian College in Indianapolis, IN...

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Week Two - Indianapolis

Just arrived in Indianapolis for a week of shooting... We are entering our second week of shooting this fall semester..

Adding a few blogs of note to the roll:


To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Day Three - Denver, CO

We'll keep it nice and short today.. Simply because just got home from Denver on the RED EYE after a long week out west... Yesterday was spent at a great little school in Denver, The Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design.. Here are a few from the take.. We will spend the weekend at home and leave for a week in Indianapolis on Sunday night..

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Salem, OR -Day Two

Here are a few from Corban College in Salem, OR.... We had two great days at this VERY SMALL school, we are very pleased with what we've seen thus far... We have not had a lot of time to look through the roughly 6,000 images... We scooted out of Salem at 5:00 to catch a plane to Denver.. After losing an hour, we just got into the hotel in Denver (2:00 AM Mountain Time).. Quick nap and off to work again, this time at The Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design.. Hope you enjoy.

To see our entire portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Salem, OR -Day One

We were on location at gorgeous Corban College in Salem, OR today... Very different from most schools we shoot, it was TINY, only about 800 full time undergrads... We had a great time with some neat stuff.. Here are just a few I liked..

To see our entire online portfolio, goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

I can't believe it's this time of year again.. As the Fall semester begins at schools across the country, so does our busy season... It has started all right.. We found ourselves in Seattle this afternoon walking around Pike Place Market..

We start the semester off on Tuesday with a two day shoot in Salem, OR, then hop on a flight to Denver for the latter part of the week, and return home on a "red-eye" flight for a couple days and off again on Sunday for a week in Indianapolis... We will continue this similar travel schedule for the next 10-12 or weeks or so... It's gonna be grueling..

Here are a few from our day today in Seattle and Portland.. I need some help from you guys out there.. I'm assuming that the mountain shot is of Mt. Hood just outside of Portland, I'm not sure as that was taken at about 75 mph hanging outside the window..

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions viewbook photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography
