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A Magical Winter Wedding


When I first starting this photography thing for a living, my wife had this crazy idea of taking pictures of the kids for Christmas cards. OK, sounds fun right, yeah it is until your significant other calls you from her parents'house in Texas on Saturday afternoon, making sure I had the picture printed and ready to mail for Monday!!!!

What picture? Hadn't even crossed my mind.

We were scheduled to pick her up at JFK Staurday evening, so we fired to Manhattan hoping to find something that inspired the three of us. No luck in the creative department. Well a long story short, we got to Manhattan at about five, it was dark and of course I didn't bring a flash.

So, we managed to get it done, but definitely not one of my favorites. Here it is along with the last four years, man they grow up fast!!





Family Holiday Cards

Another Full Week on the Road, Northwestern University

A young reporter from the Daily Northwestern, Northwestern University's student newspaper contacted me late last week about a story she was wrinting on Admissions Marketing. My gut told me to say thanks but no thanks (figured they were going to lambaste the entire process). Then I said to myself "screw it, I've got nothing to hide", let's go with it."

Here's the article if you'd like to read.

Overall I was pleased with the article, but like anything there were some parts that were a bit off, in my opinion.. I also have learned that you've got to have a filter when speaking with media. (I obviously do not have one) I can definitely get a bit excited when talking about what I do, and need to hone the verbage a bit. But when your'e PASSIONATE about something, emotions fire you up and can sometimes take over.

The reporter, told me she got the idea to write the story by seeing all our Northwestern Images on our Blog. I guess it's a win, because the target market (students) were interested in the style of our work.

Also on a side note, we were featured in an article in the Hilldale College student paper as

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography

Another GORGEOUS day of fun and sun in Bloomington, Illinois at Illinois Wesleyan University..

This was our last big trip of the semester, which has been both a mental and physical grind the last two and a half months.

Time to get home and tackle the mountain of files.

To see our entire online portfolio of admissions marketing photography goto: FJ GAYLOR Photography
